Hannah Eugster



10 Days with the Aussie

One of my favorite humans, Angus, came out from Australia for a visit a few weeks ago. His trip was 10 days long so I made sure to try and fit in as much as possible. We ate so much delicious food and went to all of my favorite places. Of course I didn't document most of it because I got a little swept up in the moment, but I did manage to get a few shots I liked! The first couple days we headed out to Oakland for good eats, drinks, and the Warriors Parade. Holy wow was that overwhelming for me. I knew it'd be intense but I tend to overestimate how good I am in crowds. Nonetheless, we had a good day with my sisters, friends, and all the other humans swarming around us. That weekend we camped out in Marin County, spent a couple days in tents, at the beach, & then on our way home hit Stinson and Muir Woods. 

Most of the photos were taken on Angus's camera but luckily I got this beaut. on mine. Haha -->

                    Jess in all her Glory

                    Jess in all her Glory


Angus had two things he absolutely HAD to see. The first of these was Yosemite, and who could blame him? So after we arrived home from camping and dinner at QQ noodle in Milpitas we took a quick 4 hour snooze and then hopped in the car to spend a day in Yosemite. 

3 hours later Laura, Jackie, Jess, the Aussie, and I arrive at the park. We quickly pull over for a stretch and potty break and try to figure out what the plan is. We groggily piled back into the car to go to the main office area to eat and ask some questions. After a quick bite we decided to hike up to Glacier Point.

After a good hike in the sweltering summer heat, we all decided to take a dip in the river. Was it the most refreshing swim ever? Yes...yes it was.

And on the way home we stopped in the field that Mt. El' Capitan faces and it was one of the most gorgeous views I've ever seen.

The second thing that was a "Must See" on Angus's list was Redwoods. If I had it my way, Gus would have been here months longer and we would have had time to drive up the Oregon Coast to watch the trees get taller and taller but we had not a minute to spare. I decided to bring him to the striking Henry Cowell Regional Park instead. (I'll have to save the road trip for the next time he visits.) 

Gotta love that distortion on the ends of the photos from trying (and failing) to get a whole redwood tree in one photo.

The rest of his trip consisted of relaxing at our friends beach house in Santa Cruz and a few moments in my hometown. We had doggie days and evenings of puzzles and beer. Lots of coffee, record shopping, and family time. It wrapped up to be a pretty spectacular 10 days but definitely too short. I miss the darn kid. But I'm so glad he finally came out and I got to see him. Sidenote: Ender looks so oddly shaped in this photo ^^ My wide angle distorting so many of the things. ha.

We'll be seeing you Gus! xx