Hannah Eugster



A New Year

It's New Year's Eve and I cannot help but look forward to 2016. I'm ready to move on, try new things, and push my boundaries. Every year, I try to create resolutions for myself, hoping I will be a better me if I succeed. But like most people, I NEVER actually (accomplish)?? succeed. I keep up whatever said resolution was for a couple months max and forget about them by March. Well this year I'd like to do something different. This year I'd like to work on broad ideas instead of making a check list of resolutions. Some things I'd like to do/practice this year are:

  • Patience: This is a very big goal for me. I struggle with is patience in every single aspect of my life. I get impatient with the dogs I train, with friends that I have, and even simple conversations with my family. I'd really love to be able to step back, breathe, and take the time to see it from the others perspective.  
  • Positivity: Naturally I'm a pretty negative/cynical person. Its a lot easier for me to see the bad or expect the worst out of situations. I'm going to try and work at seeing the positive points in the events life throws at me. 
  • Ender & I: Ender and I have a pretty strong relationship as is BUT training and growing is continuous. I never plan on stopping. So this year I'd like to work on our off leash walking/recall and I want to go backpacking with him!
  • 52 Week Photo Challenge: Every year I say I'm going to complete a 365 project. EVERY YEAR. And I've never done it. So I'm going to do this challenge. I hope with some guidelines I'll actually get it done.  

These are my, kind of not really, broad goals! I'm sure I'll think of more as the year goes on. Now, look at some adorable freaking photos of Ender and I! Thank you Nico, my best internet friend, for having lovely conversations with me and making Ender and I look oh so dang hip. 


I wish you all a Happy New Year! Cheers to a year of loving ourselves and being unbelievably happy in our own skin!  
                  All of our love,
                               Hannah and Ender xx

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